Medical, Dental, & Eye Doctor Appointments; Grocery Shopping; Essential Personal Care Items and Medication Pickup and Delivery
Seniors are able to remain independent in their homes because our volunteers provide these essential services, which are especially crucial at this time.
You may be asked to provide a ride or to provide a service that includes shopping and delivery to the senior’s home. Please call 320-968-7848 to sign up, or fill out our volunteer application. We look forward to working with you!
Thank you for helping is take care of those who once took care of you!
Fall and Winter Yardwork
CARE offers assistance to seniors requesting fall yard cleanup and/or winter show shoveling.
Are you part of a group (including family members) who would be willing to offer assistance to a senior in your community? Our clients have expressed their trust in, and deep gratitude for the adult and youth volunteers who have helped them in the past.
Please call and ask how you can help this fall and/or winter. And if you are a senior, or know of a senior, who would like some assistance with these chores this fall and winter, please call and ask us to add you to our list.
Friendly Phone Calls
This service helps seniors with the feelings of isolation that have increased since early spring when physical and social distancing became necessary for their health and safety.
Many seniors and their volunteers have found new friendships through this connection, and seniors have expressed their gratitude to the volunteers who are lifting their spirits!
Call 320-968-7848 and ask us to match you with an isolated senior.