Volunteers, of all ages, are the heart of the CARE Program. Follow your heart, and volunteer as much as your schedule allows. Our volunteers choose their days, times, and the areas they are interested in volunteering.
Are you a member of a church or an organization seeking a service project? Please consider a senior service project.
Direct services to seniors.
Our volunteers report receiving as much from the seniors they serve as they give to the seniors they serve; many making long-time new friends.
Event or Program support.
There are many different activities available during our fundraising events and programs, ask our office staff for guidance in finding your interests and the best fit for you and your time.
Office support.
From computer entry to newsletter preparation for mailing; answering phones during busy times, or helping during trainings and reviews.
Serve on a committee.
Finance – auditing the books and keeping the program on track.
Fundraising – plan and execute events.
Communications – marketing and advertising for all programs and events, and writing articles or taking photos for the newsletter.
Serve as a member of the care board of directors.
members are instrumental in choosing the direction and scope of our program. You will be working with other members and partnering with our executive director to assure the continued success of our mission.
Many seniors can stay in their homes with just a little help!
Volunteers, of all ages, are the heart of the CARE Program. Follow your heart, and volunteer as much as your schedule allows. Our volunteers choose their days, times, and the areas they are interested in volunteering.
Are you a member of a church or an organization seeking a service project? Please consider a senior service project.
Volunteer Opportunities
Arlene DeZeller
Why do I volunteer? It seems like such as easy question until you have to put it into words. Sometimes there are no words to describe the sense of fulfillment you get when you realize you have just helped someone or just given them the feeling they matter. It’s a great feeling to help put a smile on someone’s face, that maybe hasn’t had anything to smile about for a while. Also I’m not getting any younger; I hope there will be someone there to do the same for me. Volunteering is a great way to energize your spirit!
CARE Volunteer
It’s heartwarming to give back to the people who gave so much. We ought to give back for all that people have done. Volunteering is one way to do it without costing an arm and a leg.
CARE Volunteer
A benefit of volunteering is the satisfaction that you’ve helped someone. It makes me feel good that I’m able to do that.
CARE Volunteer
More people need to get involved. If you can’t be a driver, get involved with other fundraisers or activities. It takes all kinds of people.
Make a donation to the CARE Program
Your donation in any amount will be greatly appreciated