Foley Area CARE received a call from a senior couple who were in need of a wheelchair ramp for their home. They were challenged by health issues which make it difficult to go outside.
Our CARE staff went to work searching for possible resources and, after weeks of searching, our prayers were answered. Tom Latterell donated a wheelchair ramp he was taking down, but this ramp donation was just the beginning, as it was short of the length needed for the new space.
Al Jergenson then stepped up and found additional sections required, made available by the First Presbyterian Church of Foley, to make the ramp complete. Community generosity continued as we received donations of decking screws from Home Depot of Waite Park, carpet from Hansen Flooring of St. Cloud, and the time and talents of the volunteers who built the ramp.
Volunteers included Al Jergenson, Duane Walter, Ron Herbst, Tim Lloyd, al Cotch, and Duane Sakry all working together and really enjoying their work. The couple is both grateful and pleased with their ramp and the freedom of movement it provides. This is another example of seniors able to stay in their homes with the assistance of the CARE Program supported by community volunteers.