The Annual CARE Volunteer Appreciation Dinner and Entertainment, held on Tuesday, July 24, was a delightful celebration to thank our many volunteers. Foley Area CARE is appreciative of the hours that the volunteers donate to our community. These wonderful people provide not only rides, housekeeping, grocery shopping, yard work, friendly visiting, friendly phone calls, handyman services, and many more helpful tasks, but also help with our food supplement and physical fitness programs, and all of our fundraising efforts. They serve on our Board of Directors, too.
The meal of build-your-own-burgers, homemade potato salad, fruit salad, and fresh corn on the cob was served by a grateful Board of Directors. Following the meal, volunteers enjoyed beautiful Bluegrass/Gospel music performed by the Kellen family.
CARE would like to express our deep gratitude for our volunteers, and offer our sincere thanks to the following for their generous donations in support of this event:
- St. Paul Lutheran Church in Foley, for the use of their facility
- Thrivent Financial, for their generous donation that provided supplies
- Svihel Vegetable Farms, for delicious melons, corn on the cob, and tomatoes
- Mark Brenny (of Brenny Oil Company), for donation of supplies for root beer floats
- Dairy Queen, for root beer float utensils
- Al Jergenson, for heavenly onions
- The CARE office staff, for wonderful salads
- And our board members, for serving a yummy meal