Foley Area C.A.R.E. volunteers, staff, and board members gathered at the First Presbyterian Church in Foley on Thursday, July 27, 2017 for our annual volunteer appreciation dinner.
Pastor Al Jergenson and Dennis Clark barbecued hamburgers, while staff and other board members served volunteers at the build-a-burger buffet. The room was filled with laughter and chatter, as the children of the Brian and Paula Lorenz family bused tables and served beverages and desserts.
Our guest speaker was Krisie Barron, a licensed social worker, who spoke to our group about “Normal Aging/Not Normal Aging as it Pertains to Alzheimer’s”. Her interactive presentation included valuable information for current caregivers, respite caregivers, and advance planning for those of us who may need help in the future. It was both sobering and exciting, inspirational and engaging. When the presentation ended, the room erupted in conversation and discussions continued as attendees were leaving.
Our volunteers are the heart and backbone of the C.A.R.E. Program, and so it was with great honor that the staff and board recognized and publicly thanked the volunteers able to attend.
During the event participants were asked to fill out a survey, and we thought you might be interested in some of their responses to a couple of the questions asked:
What motivates you to be a volunteer for C.A.R.E.?
- I volunteer because I like people.
- I want to make people feel good about themselves.
- To help people remain in their home.
- Because it is a fantastic organization.
- Giving back to the community, as I have been so blessed.
- Knowing the need.
- Someday I may need services provided by C.A.RE.
- I feel like I should be spending some of my time helping others, and it is good to visit new people.
- Because it makes me happy.
- Love of this wonderful rural community.
Are there services needed by the elderly in the Foley area that CARE should be aware of?
- Affordable housing for seniors
- Meals
- Internet and/or smart phone training